5 Common Misconceptions About "Lady Parts"

Health & Medical Blog

Although women make up about half of the world's population, the female reproductive organs remain quite a mystery even to medical professionals. Of course, talking to your obstetrician or gynecologist will be incredibly helpful, but it's good to have a basic knowledge of your body regardless of medical help. These facts will help clear up many of the misconceptions you have concerning your body. Misconception #1: The clitoris is small and bean-shaped.

15 December 2014

The Strangest And Most Fun Moments In Vision Correction


The world of vision correction doesn't have a reputation for excitement or mystery. Most glasses or contact lens users likely think of vision correction as a necessary evil and nothing more. However, vision correction has a wild and wooly history that includes some incredibly strange moments. Early Water-Based Glasses Vision problems have plagued humanity since the dawn of history, so it's no surprise that there are dozens of references to crude vision correction systems in ancient history.

11 December 2014

Tricking Your Immune System When Fresh Fruit Turns On The Itch


Oral allergy syndrome can keep you from eating the fresh fruit you love. Grapes, apples, pears, peaches--any fruit with edible skin--can cause an itchy, swollen face. Rarely does it cause anaphylaxis, a condition that can quickly cause death. So how can you enjoy your favorite fruit when your immune system attacks at the first bite? What triggers the allergic response might not be the fruit--directly. The culprit that triggers oral allergy syndrome is usually hay fever.

10 December 2014

The Basics Of Anxiety Disorders And Available Psychotherapy Treatments

Health & Medical Blog

Approximately one in four American adults suffer from some kind of mental illness. Anxiety disorders are among the most prevalent of mental disorders, but a person suffering from a diagnosed anxiety disorder can significantly reduce symptoms with the use of psychotherapy services. Understanding Different Types of Anxiety Disorders An "anxiety disorder" is a mental illness marked by worry and fear that is so excessive that it interferes with daily activities, causes changes in a person's behavior or thought process, and even manifests in physical side effects.

8 December 2014

3 Types Of Sports Injuries

Health & Medical Blog

Being hurt while engaging in sports is a common problem. Regardless of whether you are playing basketball, soccer or football, the direct contact can lead to injuries occurring. It is in your best interest to know the possible ways that you can get hurt while on the playing field. This may help you to better understand the injury if one does occur. Shoulder injuries One of the common injuries of this type is due to a fall you may have or a blow to this area.

8 December 2014

Housing Options For The Elderly Population


Growing older is supposed to be a happy time in your life. You get to retire and enjoy life, but what happens when that day comes and you are no longer able to take care of yourself? All of those things that you once used to do with ease are now far more complicated. In fact, you might get to the point where you cannot do any of the things that you used to do.

14 November 2014

3 Tips For Buying A Wheelchair Accessible Van


Becoming a caregiver for a person in a wheelchair requires a lot of changes, and how you handle transportation is one of the most important changes. If you have a parent, child, or spouse that is going to need a wheelchair permanently or for an extended period of time, buying your own wheelchair accessible van is often the most practical way to ensure that you can take your loved one to doctor's appointments, work, school, and just go out and have fun.

14 November 2014

Water Can Help Relieve A Sinus Headache In More Ways Than One

Health & Medical Blog

It doesn't take much for your sinuses to get clogged. When they do, you can feel pretty miserable. The thing about a sinus headache is that more than just your forehead hurts. Your eyes, cheeks, and the bridge of your nose can hurt as well. Sinuses that become swollen and inflamed don't drain the way they should. It's that excess of thickened mucus that causes the sinus congestion that can lead to a headache.

13 November 2014

Glassed In: Multiple Pairs Of Single-Prescription Glasses May Give You More Flexibility

Health & Medical Blog

If you've just found out you need different prescriptions for near and far vision, you're no doubt starting to look at whether you want to get progressive lenses or actual bifocals or trifocals. Another choice you should consider is having separate pairs of glasses for each type of vision. While this sounds like a less optimal situation -- you'd have to keep track of all those pairs instead of just tilting your head to change your vision -- it can be more convenient for people who don't want to have to hold their heads at odd angles in order to see.

13 November 2014

Pregnancy Pain Management: What You Can Do

Health & Medical Blog

Pregnancy is an exciting and exhilarating time in your life. As an expectant mother, your main focus is on your health and the health of the growing baby inside you. You become keenly aware of all of the feelings and changes occurring in your body. Unfortunately, along with all of these miraculous changes, can come a great deal of pain and discomfort. In fact, the majority of pregnant women experience pain at one time or another throughout their pregnancy.

12 November 2014