Disorders Of The Human Hand And How They Are Corrected

Health & Medical Blog

The human hand contains at least twenty-seven bones, three main nerves for sensory detection and movement control, and dozens of muscles and tendons to help control dexterity of the hands and fingers. If any part of your hand is affected by a disease or disorder, it makes it nearly impossible to use that hand for daily tasks. If you feel as though your hand may have some issues, consult with an orthopedic specialist first.

20 April 2017

Lifestyle Changes That Can Bring A Stop To Leaky Gut Syndrome

Health & Medical Blog

There are various medical conditions that can contribute to leaky gut disease, from allergies to Crohn's disease. The gut becomes inflamed and will become more porous as a result. The porousness is the result of the leaky gut being unable to repair itself either due to a medical condition or stress. Then, objects that normally would not be allowed to pass through your gut are allowed to. Luckily, there are some things you can do to treat leaky gut syndrome.

23 February 2017