Thoracic Ultrasound: What You Need To Know

Health & Medical Blog

Your doctor may recommend a thoracic ultrasound for certain issues that you may have going on within your chest wall. If you have never been through this procedure before, it can be helpful to know what to expect. Here are some things you need to know:

What Is a Thoracic Ultrasound For?

A thoracic ultrasound is a test that shows the doctor what is inside the chest. The test can see your heart, lungs, esophagus, and lymph nodes. The doctor also is able to look at your blood flow. This is a non-invasive test using an ultrasound wand that uses ultrasound waves to see inside the chest wall. The waves will send an image to a screen your doctor can look at and determine the results.

Why Do You Need a Thoracic Ultrasound?

There are several reasons why your doctor needs you to have this procedure. If you have any issues with your heart or heart valves, the doctor can detect them through ultrasound. The test is also used to see if there is any chest fluid present. A thoracic ultrasound is used to look at your lungs and can also detect pneumonia. If you have any symptoms such as a chronic cough or you are unable to breathe properly, the doctor will order a thoracic ultrasound to determine what issues you may have.

Why Is a Thoracic Ultrasound Beneficial?

A thoracic ultrasound is an easy and rather quick test. You can schedule the test at your convenience or even have it done in your doctor's office. This test is safe and easy. You do not have to do any special preparation for a thoracic ultrasound, such as fasting or stopping a medication. You also will be wide awake.

What Happens After a Thoracic Ultrasound?

After your ultrasound, the doctor will receive and read the results. Based on your results, the doctor will be able to determine if you have something wrong in your chest. Most often, the results can be read quickly, which leaves little time between the test and the diagnosis. You will not need any recovery time, so you can continue to do your normal daily activities after the test.

If you have experienced any problems that may involve the organs within your chest, you need to contact your doctor right away. You may need a thoracic ultrasound to determine any potential health issues that may be causing your symptoms.

Contact your doctor for more information on ultrasound services.


11 May 2022

No Time to Exercise? Get Fit With These Tips

If life keeps you busy, you might not have time to work out or play sports. As a busy parent and teacher, I don't have much time to spare when it comes to exercise. Every time I sign up for a fitness program, I end up quitting due to my hectic schedule. But after gaining 30 pounds last year, I decided to start an exercise program and stick with it. Now, I'm pleased to say that I'm 15 pounds lighter and feeling much healthier. If you want to set fitness goals but lack ambition or time, read my blog. I offer tips on how to set and meet realistic goals. You also learn how to improve your goals with the right diet. Good luck and don't give up.