Do You Plan The CPR Training For Your School District's Athletics Department? Three Tips To Help Coaches Retain What They Learn

Health & Medical Blog

Athletic coaches play a huge role in helping to keep young athletes safe. While your coaches always strive to implement critical safety practices, such as encouraging the kids to wear their gear, the truth is that an emergency health crisis could happen at any time. Often, coaches are at the front of the line when it comes to being available to provide critical first aid services when a kid on the field gets hurt. This year, make sure that the coaches at your schools feel confident about their ability to provide aid in an emergency by using these tips to increase their retention of what they learn during CPR training.

Consider the Seasons When Scheduling

Like most careers, coaches have certain times of the year when they are too busy focusing on their main goals to be able to think about much else. Unfortunately, scheduling for your coaches to take their training right before playoffs or a major national competition could cause them to be distracted despite their efforts to stay focused. Try to schedule your coaches to take their training during off-seasons when they are more relaxed. If possible, doing their training a few weeks before their primary season starts will give them time to review what they learn while keeping it fresh in their mind as the season picks up momentum.

Encourage Co-Coaches to Work Together

First aid training is more effective when coworkers are able to participate together. When you think about it, it's far more likely for a coach and their assistant to be called upon to perform two-person CPR or first aid when they are both down on the field at the same time. While it may take some strategic planning, having coworkers take the courses together helps them have a better idea of how to work as a team if one of their athletes has a health crisis during a game or practice.

Plan a Follow-Up Meeting

Many topics are covered during a typical first aid and CPR course. While the training lessons are all designed with hands-on experiences that aid in retention, a follow-up meeting helps everyone clarify what they learned. During the follow-up meeting, ask the coaches to share things that they learned in the class and express their concerns. For instance, you may have a coach who wants to repeat the course to increase their comprehension while another may want to perform a few practice drills during a future meeting.

Highly trained coaches that are confident providing first aid are a critical part of your athletic department's safety plan. By understanding how to help the coaches on your staff get as much as possible out of their training, you can look forward to making this year one of the safest for every athlete in your school district. To schedule CPR or first aid training, contact an emergency and health training center.


28 November 2018

No Time to Exercise? Get Fit With These Tips

If life keeps you busy, you might not have time to work out or play sports. As a busy parent and teacher, I don't have much time to spare when it comes to exercise. Every time I sign up for a fitness program, I end up quitting due to my hectic schedule. But after gaining 30 pounds last year, I decided to start an exercise program and stick with it. Now, I'm pleased to say that I'm 15 pounds lighter and feeling much healthier. If you want to set fitness goals but lack ambition or time, read my blog. I offer tips on how to set and meet realistic goals. You also learn how to improve your goals with the right diet. Good luck and don't give up.