How to Recover from a Knee Injury

Health & Medical Blog

A knee injury can be especially difficult to recover from. One of the reasons it is so problematic is that the knee is very complicated. When a normal bone is broken, the bone is set and a cast is applied. Then the bone naturally knits together. No added physical therapy is needed.

This form of treatment cannot be applied to knee injuries. This is because the knee is made of up several parts. Some of these parts are not bone, but rather tissue. If the ligaments, cartilage, or meniscus becomes damaged, then you will have to undergo physical therapy. Here is a quick run-down of what you can expect when recovering from knee surgery.

A Brace, Not a Cast

You will not have your knee in a cast, but you might have it in a brace. A brace is used to prevent you from exacerbating the injury. Many knee injuries involve torn ligaments. If you continue to walk with the same range of motion, then you will further damage the ligaments and they will never heal.

A brace will allow you to move, but it will not allow you to experience a full range of motion. This will let you move around without being confined to crutches or a wheelchair.

Some Exercise Is Good

You don't want to perform any sort of strenuous exercise, but you shouldn't rule out all exercise. Running, obviously, should be avoided, but other exercises are actually beneficial. An excellent exercise is to ride a stationary bike. You should not try and pedal fast, or with much resistance. The goal is to slowly regain strength and improve flexibility. Usually, physical therapy clinics such as Advanced Physical Therapy will advise you on which exercises to perform and when to start them.

Take it to the Water

Aquatic therapy is excellent for knee injuries because it is low impact. You are able to get the benefit of exercise, without the downside of forceful impact. In fact, many people who are recovering from knee surgery are advised to pursue aquatic therapy.

There are many different types of exercises are done in the water. Some exercises are self-guided, while others involve a physical therapist helping the patient. One method that is particularly helpful for knee injuries is aquatic running. In this exercise, you will run in the deep end of the pool. Your feet will not make contact with the bottom of the pool, thereby eliminating any impact. An inflatable collar is placed around the neck to help keep the head above water.


11 November 2014

No Time to Exercise? Get Fit With These Tips

If life keeps you busy, you might not have time to work out or play sports. As a busy parent and teacher, I don't have much time to spare when it comes to exercise. Every time I sign up for a fitness program, I end up quitting due to my hectic schedule. But after gaining 30 pounds last year, I decided to start an exercise program and stick with it. Now, I'm pleased to say that I'm 15 pounds lighter and feeling much healthier. If you want to set fitness goals but lack ambition or time, read my blog. I offer tips on how to set and meet realistic goals. You also learn how to improve your goals with the right diet. Good luck and don't give up.